Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Chuck. Blair. Serena. Dan. Nate. Jenny. Vanessa.

These are the names of some of my closest friends. They are all beautiful. They are fun. They are all rich. They are all fictional. They are all there when I need them, usually the week I have a gigantic assignment looming over my head.

It was bad enough having the series on my computer, thanks to friends in high places (i.e. university residences), but now it is being rerun on SABC 3 every week; Monday to Wednesday. Instead of working on important assignments, I am now waiting up so that I can have some quality time with Blair, Chuck, Jenny, Serena, Dan, Vanessa and Nate…oh and did I mention Chuck?

The question I keep asking myself is why? Why am I watching these reruns? Why do I find myself obsessing over these unrealistically beautiful high school students? And of course, why do I find the manipulating and slightly disgusting Chuck Bass ‘oh so very attractive’? I like to say it is because of the clothing, which is mostly true, who wouldn’t dream of owning some of Serena’s dresses and Chuck’s suits? If I’m really honest with myself, I realise that this slightly obsessive behaviour goes beyond clothing. I think that we can all admit that we are not only jealous of their clothing, but we are jealous of their (wait I see a list forming…)

· long, shiny, blond hair

· perfectly toned bodies

· glimmering eyes (due to immense amounts of makeup)

· flawless skin (due to immense amounts of makeup)

· endless supply of money

· teenage drama (that involves sex, drugs, affairs with married women)

· infinite wardrobes

· shoes

· bags

· school uniforms

· limousines

· Derota’s, drivers, doormen, etc.

· manipulation skills

· endless social events

We can’t help it, Gossip Girl has revolutionized television. A programme about teenagers has teens and adults; male and female, hooked. We are programmed to love them, to envy them, to know more about them, to wish we were them.

You know you love her


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